Things You Must Do At Your Workplace After Pest Control Is Done

Pest control services’ prime objective is to help you get rid of pests at your place. These companies come with a lot of instruction for us to follow. We will be putting our lives in danger if we fail to follow or ignore their instructions. Most of the times, people open their office immediately after the pest control. However, this should be strictly avoided to get the maximum benefits out of the pest control services.
Let’s check few things to be safe after the pest control is over:
- Do Not Open Your Office Immediately
Normally, people have a habit of opening their offices immediately after the pest control is done. Technically, you should wait for at least a day or two after the pest control for its maximum effects on the pests. Let the strong odor of chemicals do its duty of pest extermination – those pests that are creating a lot of nuisance at your workplace.
Hence, the best trick to do a pest control at your office is to schedule it during the weekend or any two national holidays together.
- Do Not Drink from Vending Machines
During pest control treatment, the residues of the chemicals remain on almost everything kept inside rooms. Vending machines are the ones that offer consumable products such as over-the-counter medicines, sodas, beverages, chocolates, chips and others. The best thing to do in order to protect your vending machine during pest control is clear it off totally and cover it with a big plastic sheet.
- Clean Your Computers
If there seems less possibility to cover hundreds of computers at your workplace, then the chances of chemical residues on it become stronger. You must always ask your employees to clean the keyboard, mouse and mousepad or any other technical equipment attached to your machine with a very light wet cotton cloth or soft tissues. This will wipe off all the residues from above the equipment of your machines.
- Do Not Use Office Kitchen
Soon after the pest control, avoid office kitchen for at least a day or two. Do not cook anything (including any beverage) in the kitchen. Avoid using microwave ovens too for these may have the residues around or on it. It is highly advisable that you clean the kitchen utensils or machines with a soft wet cloth before using any of those.
The best option here is to get home food and avoid office kitchen food till the time pest control effects settle down a bit.
- Throw Away Any Exposed Consumable
It would be wise if you avoid any consumable item from your office. However, this matter should have been taken care of right at the beginning when you are supposed to clear off everything from your office kitchen, including the food. But, ‘better late than sorry’! Throw away all the exposed consumable items at your workplace. Eat fresh food from the latest stock only. Avoid anything that smells even a little of any chemical used during the pest control.
- Inform All Your Employees
Inform all at workplace to be extremely cautious while dealing with machines and eating food. Do let them know about the place got pest control done. The same employees deal with the outsiders. Do tell them to inform the outsiders too about the pest control at your place so they can take necessary precautions while using any of your facility.
Although, it is important to get rid of pests, but taking precautions after pest control is equally important for your life, your employees’ lives and the rest at your workplace.